Sunday Services

Young boy rings church tower bell, calling the congregation to worship

Ringing the steeple bell calls congregants to worship services. Both youth and adults enjoy participating in this welcoming ritual.

Worship Services begin Sunday mornings at 10:00am with the ringing of the steeple bell. Both youth and adults enjoy participating this call to worship ritual.The sanctuary is on the main floor (front stairs on the southwest corner of the building lead to to entrance). We advise coming about fifteen minutes early in order to be greeted, find a seat, and enjoy the welcoming music. For those who need a ramp entrance, there is a ramp on the southeast corner of the building near the parking spaces designated for wheelchair access.

In addition to Sunday morning services, additional worship may be scheduled throughout the years for special holidays, special events, times of joy or sorrow that particularly impact our community. Check the announcements and calendar for additional worship that may be scheduled.

As you walk up the stairs and into the foyer (or come up the wheelchair ramp directly to the southeast corner of the sanctuary), expect to be greeted. Greeters at the entrance to the sanctuary will offer you the order of service, provide directions about seating, nursery and child care, special assistive devices, and a newcomers packet. They will also offer you a name tag to help others to greet you after the service. From the foyer go on in and sit down where you are comfortable.

What goes on during the worship services?

No two services are exactly alike, yet familiar patterns are present. The Sunday service usually lasts about an hour and 15 minutes. Lay worship leaders participate in all our services. Sometimes these leaders serve to do readings and specific rituals. At other times the lay worship leaders conduct the entire service, including the sermon or lecture.

Services typically include:

  • Music with the choir, a band, or soloist (or all three)
  • Lighting the chalice
  • Inspirational Readings
  • Sharing by those who wish to tell of joys or sorrows
  • Singing the children to their classes
  • Offertory
  • Sermon (see upcoming topics and past topics)
  • More music or singing
  • Inspirational words to summarize the theme
  • Closing words and chalice flame extinguished

Following the service is a time to meet others, catch up on the week, and enjoy snacks and beverages. There is a  fellowship hour immediately after the service, with coffee, tea, juice and a variety of snacks (including gluten free) served in the Social Hall beneath the sanctuary.  Often congregational groups such as Social Action, Covenant Groups, and a variety of Community Groups will have a table with information to share.  Please stay and let us get to know you. There is always plenty of food and beverages for everyone.

For additional information about Unitarian Universalist beliefs and our congregational community, please review the Newcomers page along with other menu items above.