Affinity Groups

These are groups that gather within the congregation based on affinities of identity or interest. We have many small community groups to help create a deeper connection with others in our congregation that help build long-lasting friendships, develop spirituality, and promote change in our community.

Groups range from those seeking spiritual connection and friendship to those that are set up to serve a specific purpose, such as the maintenance of our facilities. Other groups are purely social to enhance connections among like-minded people. Yet others are service-oriented with specific goals for justice or environmental advocacy in our community, the nation, or the world as a whole.

Some of our groups have been together for years, while others have regular turnover by design. Anyone who is interested in starting and organizing a new group is welcome to discuss it with the minister. Usually all it takes is a commitment to organize, facilitate, and recruit for the group.

Take time to evaluate the variety of groups we have available and see what speaks to you and how you wish to connect with this congregation.