Search Team

Our current minister, Reverend Ben Robins, is serving as an Interim Minister. He began during the pandemic, leading worship, meetings, and conversations on Zoom. He has been focused on the work of Interim Ministry, helping us to discover our strengths and our internal issues. We appreciate his dedication to our congregation, and we will miss his steady presence and empathetic listening style when he leaves in June 2024.

We have formed a Search Team to guide the search for a new minister, according to our own bylaws and the policies of the Unitarian Universalist Association. This will be a ¾ time contract minister, beginning their time with us in August 2024. Budget constraints have kept us from being able to offer a full-time position, but, with the help of the new minister, we plan to grow our congregation and add new members to support our church programs and staff.

The Search began with a congregational survey in September followed by a series of small group meetings, both in person and online. We have compiled our findings into a profile of our congregation and a description of the minister we are seeking; this is available to prospective ministers on the UUA Transitions website, starting December 1, 2023. In January the Search Team begins reviewing applications and conducting interviews. The congregation will have a chance to meet the ministerial candidate in the spring of 2024.