The committee structure of UUCCWC is critical to helping the church serve its members effectively. There are nine primary committees, and within each committee are subcommittees. In a church the size of UUCCWC, if every member served on just one committee, it would only get us half way to fulfilling the needs of our community. Currently a few members serve on several committees.
Please take the time to consider where you can serve and volunteer. Most committees meet once per month. A few of them do all their planning via email and rarely require a meeting time. Many only require you to volunteer a few times a year to do actual work outside of advising. We look forward to your participation.
- Stewardship
- Financial Services
- Personnel & Administrative Services
- Property Services
- Social & Environmental Action
- Worship Team
- Zoom Team
- Communications Team
- REST: Religious Education Support Team
- Lifespan Religious Exploration
- The Board of Trustees
- Membership Services Committee