Covenant Groups

Small Group Ministry is one of the great grassroots movements in Unitarian Universalism today. It is also one of the healthiest. It is helping us shape a faith that affirms real, lived human experience in all its complexity. It is helping us live out our individualism in ways that not only support, but enhance our sense of community.”   ~Rev. William Sinkford, Past President, Unitarian Universalist Association

What is a Covenant Group?

As a Unitarian Universalist church, we covenant to affirm and promote:

  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregation
  • A free and responsible church for truth and meaning

Covenant Groups offer an opportunity to deepen fellowship with a small group while exploring spirituality and life’s big questions.

Groups meet once or twice a month in someone’s home or at the church. Some meet for 5 to 6 sessions and explore a theme while others meet from October through May. The meetings follow a format that builds a sense of community among participants and establishes an environment for deep personal reflection and listening.

Each Covenant Group is limited to ten people. They are facilitated by a trained Covenant Group Leader so that the time together is shared and the focus is on personal spiritual growth and deepening fellowship.


Covenant Groups encourage spiritual growth. They are not dogmatic, nor creedal. They are about one’s promise to pursue the responsible search for truth and meaning in a shared journey, and to support others in their search–with the same small group of people for a specified time.

Diverse topics of ethical, spiritual, or personal significance are presented for consideration and sharing at each session. Groups also engage in service activities for the congregation and community. Contact Kathryn Warrior for more information.

Sample Topics:

  • Joy
  • Community
  • Humor
  • Risk-tasking
  • Mindfulness
  • Sacred Places
  • Age-ing and Sage-ing
  • Personal Mission
  • Humanism