Sunday Worship Service

Hello and welcome to the instructions page for how to get to our services via Zoom!   In order to use our new music licenses and allow the choir to sing new songs, we are required to make some changes in our Zoom meetings.  We have to “live stream” our Services through our website.

As you can see below, there is a countdown clock for the start time for the Service this coming Sunday.  However, you can join the Service early – you will just go into the Waiting Room until the Zoom Host opens the Service.

If you are using a smartphone or a tablet, we recommend that you use the “Join Meeting via Zoom App” button below.  It will take you to a regular Zoom meeting on your phone.  If you are using a laptop or desktop computer, we recommend that you use the “Join via Web Browser” button below.  It will open up a new tab in your web browser that contains the Zoom application.  It may ask you a few questions first (e.g., your name, etc.). There you can attend the meeting just as you have in the past.

We will retain our ability to chat, to use breakout rooms – everything we have been enjoying about our Zoom Services in the past.  Come join us via our new “live stream” and enjoy the new music!

Meeting starts in :

Sunday Worship Service

Sunday Worship Service

Session date: Sunday, January 19, 2025 09:45
Duration: 4 hours 0 minutes
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles


If you see that the meeting has expired or is invalid, you need to refresh your screen. Please click on the circular arrow at the top left of your screen next to the left arrow and the right arrow.