Our congregation has a seven-member board consisting of six members and a separately elected Treasurer. At their annual retreat, the elected Board determines who is to serve as President, Vice President and Secretary based on interests and appropriate skills. The Board of Trustees manages the business affairs of the church, including things like property and administration. Trustees are elected for three-year terms. To contact the Board, send an email to botmembers@uuccwc.groups.io or call the office at 503-648-1720 and leave a message.
Bill Ellis, Board President
The President serves as the chief executive officer of the church; they have general and active management of the business of the church and sees that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect.
Position Open, Board Vice President
The Vice President performs the duties and exercises the powers of the President their absence or in case of disability. The Vice President also performs other duties as the Board of Trustees shall assign.
Jean Powers, Board Secretary
The Secretary shall see that proper records are maintained and that proceedings of the Board are regularly reported to the Congregation and shall perform such other duties as may be specified by the Board. All records of the Secretary shall be the property of the church. They shall be responsible for notifying the membership of all Congregational Meetings and of all matters to be acted upon at said meetings.
Schann Wysong, Treasurer
The Treasurer has custody of the UUCCWC funds and securities and keeps a full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the church and deposits money and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the church. In addition, the Treasurer disburses the funds of the UUCCWC when needed, takes vouchers for the disbursements, and renders an account of all transactions and of the financial condition of the UUCCWC.
Mary Jacobs, Board Member at large
A member at large is a voting member of the Board, participates in all meetings and performs duties as assigned.
Kaylee Hutchison, Board Member at large
A member at large is a voting member of the Board, participates in all meetings and performs duties as assigned.
Marci Pippin, Board Member at large
A member at large is a voting member of the Board, participates in all meetings and performs duties as assigned.