Adult Learning

UUCCWC Lifespan Explorations offers classes for all ages with an emphasis on adult education.  The goal is to provide opportunities for growth in our understanding of Unitarian Universalism as well as to foster community within our congregation.  We look for instructors and facilitators from the UUCCWC community.  Classes are offered without charge.

Instructors and staff are volunteers. Course content and delivery must be free from commercial intent including sale or advertisement of any product, information or service.

Classes typically run for at most 1.5  – 2 hour sessions and require reserving a Zoom channel.  If you wish to present a class but are unsure of the technology, we can assist you.

Classes are offered in four quarters each year (Winter, Jan-Mar; Spring, Apr-Jun; Summer, Jul-Aug; Fall, Sept-Nov.)

We hope to offer a balance of classes across a range of interests drawn from those of Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship:

  • Belief Systems, e.g. theology, spirituality, world religions, personal values, meditation.

  • Academic / Technology Offerings, e.g. oceanography, arts appreciation, emerging scientific research, health, and climate.

  • Enhancing Creativity, e.g. Soul Collage, painting, writing, theatre, crafts, instrumental and vocal music.

  • Field Trips, e.g. exploring our natural world, local cultures, and artistic performances.

  • Lifestyle Choices/Challenges, e.g. humor, food & energy sustainability, alternative economic systems, and living in community.

  • Physical Activities, e.g. Tai Chi Chih, yoga, dance, cycling, building, and gardening.

Recent Class Offerings at UUCCWC

  • Spirit of Life
  • Oceanography
  • HUUmor (Unitarian Universalist Humor)
  • Technology Help
  • Death & Dying
  • World Religions