
As Unitarian Universalists we live out faith in every part of our lives. This means that religious exploration is not limited to classes offered one day a week. Our congregation and the national Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) support a multi-generational approach to worship, religious exploration classes, service projects, and social events. The UUA provides many resources for all of these activities. Our congregation determines which materials to use each year. Additional materials and local resources are explored based on the needs of members and the local community.

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) also provides a variety of curriculum at age-appropriate levels. Each congregation may choose programs that best fit the needs of the religious exploration program, RE volunteers, parents, members, and the local community.

The Religious Exploration Coordinator makes programming decisions for the Children’s RE and Youth RE. However, she cannot run the program alone. She needs volunteer teachers and assistants. She needs congregational support for service projects and social events. Please visit the religious exploration links that pertain to your specific talents or interests in volunteering.

If you have any questions, please contact the religious exploration coordinator.

Children’s RE

  • Lower Elementary (Preschool through 1st Grade)

  • Upper Elementary (2nd through 5th Grade)

Youth RE

  • UU Squad (6th to 12th grades, Yo-Yo & YRUU)

Adult Programs

REST Religious Exploration Support Team