A Uniquely UU Challenge: Redefining Prayer

Reverend Christine Riley, Music Director Raymond Elliott & the UUCCWC Choir

The word “Prayer” conjures up a wide spectrum of thoughts, feelings and questions for many Unitarian Universalists.  This morning, we reflect on how and why prayer can be meaningful for us, regardless of whether we are theists, Pagans, atheists, agnostics, UU Christians, UU Buddhists, UU Humanists or if we have yet to identify a theology that is a good match.  The matter of prayer will surely arise off and on.


A form of prayer we were taught to use in our childhood or one from a previous religious affiliation may no longer feels authentic spiritually OR intellectually.  This does not necessarily lead to a valid conclusion that praying is and always will be irrelevant for us.  Yes, some Humanists, agnostics and atheists DO pray.


Yes, I do believe there is a form of prayer that can be meaningful and authentic for most UUs.  No, prayer is certainly not mandatory, but having an open mind and heart is asked of all Unitarian Universalists.