Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. teaches us that, “Forgiveness does not mean ignoring what has been done or putting a false label on an evil act.” On National Forgiveness Day, let’s talk about what forgiveness actually is as well as how the definition of forgiveness can sometimes be twisted. Let’s lean into considering this spiritual muscle that we can develop with discernment and care.
Rev. Soto, now known as Julián Jamaica Soto, is a loving presence in the Unitarian Universalist community. Formerly recognized as Theresa, perhaps through their book “Spilling the Light,” published by Skinner House Books in Boston, Rev. Julián has served as a minister for ten years. Their belief in the principles of Unitarian Universalism, coupled with a commitment to collective liberation and shared healing, informs their work in teaching, preaching, and art. Rev. Julián graduated from Meadville Lombard Theological School in 2016.