Speaking Up and Singing Out

Reverend Christine Riley
Music Director Raymond Elliott and the UUCCWC Choir

In past times our nation has struggled with deeply held, but tremendously opposing political perspectives which impacted ethical choices, world views, and our understanding of the role of our government domestically and in the wider world. Often a way forward was found through words and music that were enlightening and supportive. This morning our hope is renewed and our Unitarian Universalist values are affirmed through inspirational words and music from previous and current times.

Others before us found the courage to live more congruently with their liberal religious beliefs during divisive and frightening times through protest songs and inspirational words. As UU’s we proclaim that we need not believe alike to love alike. Our vibrant and compassionate fellowship is rooted in this perspective here in our Church. But beyond our Church’s doors we are witnessing the rights and very lives of others daily being threatened. Today’s Worship offers us support through today’s challenging and increasingly violent times.