Our congregation is currently in search for a new minister.  What does this mean?

Click here for more information.

Worship Service

Sunday 10:00 am

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Welcome Newcomers!

Flower Communion

On the 101st anniversary of flower communion, we exchange flowers and celebrate how we can complete each other. What makes you blossom? What makes you feel like yourself, in all your glorious fullness?

NEXT RE SUNDAY IS April 21, 2024.

Contact the RE Coordinator for information on youth religious education classes. Children’s service are during the in-person service.   Visit our Zoom channel to watch services online.

See other upcoming services here.

Caregivers come to Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations to help raise children to become kind, respectful, fair-minded, caring, and strong enough to side with love and fight for justice. 

Acting out our faith in justice and siding with love has been a core value for hundreds of years.

Forming our faith with ongoing lifespan learning is essential.

Event Carousel

Our Vision

A welcoming, liberal religious community where we care for and encourage each other to:

Rockford’s Rehnberg window representing our UU sources.